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Student Life

Supporting Your Study

Throughout your student journey you will have access to our full range of support services, which includes career guidance, mentoring, advice on financial options, professional development, health and wellbeing, learning support, and much more. Support Services is your main source of information, support, and guidance. If you are concerned about your studies or are experiencing personal issues you can talk to us in a safe and confidential setting.

Widening Access & Participation

We are fully committed to improving the access of learners from a wide variety of under-represented backgrounds into Further and Higher Education. Our widening access and participation work aims to equip these learners with the awareness, advice, and opportunities that they need to make informed choices about their future and succeed.

Our Widening Access & Participation Officer provides information, advice, guidance and tailored support to students from a range of backgrounds. If you are:

  • An unpaid carer
  • Care-experienced
  • An adult learner
  • A single or young parent
  • A learner with a disability
  • A learner from a low-income household
  • A learner who has had involvement with the criminal justice system
  • A government-recognised refugee or have asylum status
  • A learner who has faced significant barriers to education

Our Widening Access & Participation Officer can help you. If you’re unsure whether any of these applies to you, or if you have any other questions, you can contact the Widening Access & Participation Officer by calling 028 7127 6319 or email

Widening Access and Participation Plan

Our current Widening Access and Participation Plan sets out how we intend to enhance access, student success and progression for under-represented and disadvantaged groups.

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