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An Introduction to Mindfulness and Reducing Anxiety in Children (Level 2 Award)

Early Years

Course Overview

This Level 2 course offers an introduction to childrens mindfulness and reducing anxiety in children. Research shows us that mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress indicators. This course will provide parents and practitioners with techniques that they can use with children and young people that will in turn help them to handle negative emotions better, and give them tools that they can use throughout their lives.
  • Study Mode
  • Duration
    6 Weeks
  • Campus
    Strand Road

Important Message

The College’s course offering and timetabling for the 2025/26 academic year will be confirmed mid-May 2025.

Available Sessions

  • Course
    Start Date
  • Course: OCN NI Level 2 Award - An Introduction to Mindfulness and Reducing Anxiety in Children Ref D108
    Campus: Strand Road
    Type: Part Time
    Start Date:
    Full £30.00
    Concession £30.00
    Examination £30.00
  • Course: OCN NI Level 2 Award - An Introduction to Mindfulness and Reducing Anxiety in Children Ref S014
    Campus: Strabane
    Type: Part Time
    Start Date:
    Full £30.00
    Concession £30.00
    Examination £30.00

You may be eligible for funding on this course *

If you are an employer or employee of a NI based company

* Terms and Conditions apply

Course Offering

  • Site location Strabane Strand Road
Two young female students walking and laughing together
Want to book your place?
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Entry Requirements

UK Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements. However, this course has been designed to build on the knoeldge and skills attained though the OCN Level 2 an introduction to mindfulness and reducing anxiety in children. This course is targeted at parents and those working with children and young people.

Additional Information

This course is targeted at parents and those working with children and young people and will look at what stress is for children and the effect that this has on the brain and the body. Students will learn mindfulness techniques and meditations that will not only help the children that they care for but will also lead to better self care of themselves. Exam fee payable at time of enrolment


  • Image of Joycie Rajan
    I have always enjoyed Engineering and Computer Science. My course at NWRC has helped me secure a place at Queens University.
    Joycie Rajan
  • Image of Declan Porter
    The College gave me so many amazing opportunities, such as competing at the 'Worldskills' Finals in Russia!
    Declan Porter
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