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Professional Practices and Responsibilities (Level 1)


Course Overview

This course is delivered through blended learning, The course can be started at any point throughout the academic year and students will work at their own pace via online support.For the professional yachtsman or work boat skipper and crew, regardless of their position on board, it is vital that they understand and comply with their legal responsibilities and carry out the requisite duty of care to their passengers, crew, and other water users.
  • Study Mode
  • Duration
    10 Weeks
  • Campus

Available Sessions

  • Course
    Start Date
  • Course: RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities Ref L068
    Campus: Limavady
    Type: Part Time
    Start Date:
    Full £85.00
    Concession £85.00

You may be eligible for funding on this course *

If you are an employer or employee of a NI based company

* Terms and Conditions apply

Course Offering

  • Site location Limavady Main St
Two young female students walking and laughing together
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Entry Requirements

UK Requirements

This new RYA course will be a pre-requisite for anyone applying for or renewing their commercial endorsement through the RYA.

Additional Information

The course covers key regulatory aspects including: Correct manning requirements, requisite skills and management of commercial vessels. Compulsory carriage, maintenance of safety equipment, risk control and operating procedures. Ensuring the vessel is legal for the work being carried out, legal environmental obligations, planning and situational awareness.


  • NWRC is a great place to learn. The NWRCSU is run by students, for students. We will do our upmost to ensure that the student voice is strong in the College and that your views are being heard right at the very top. Let us all work together so that every student feels that they belong to the college
    Eamonn Kelly
  • Image of Kathryn Morgan (Limavady)
    I passed my Essential Skills in English after taking a community course with NWRC, through the Roe Valley Residents Association. The class was very relaxed and I had a brilliant tutor in Conal McNickle. I would highly recommend taking a class at your local community hub, and I’m now considering further learning with the College.
    Kathryn Morgan (Limavady)
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