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I would recommend the Adult Access course to everyone

11 May 2020
Webweb PRESS jonathan lynch
Johnny Lynch returned to education in 2016 when he enrolled on NWRC’s Adult Learning University Access Diploma in Health and Welfare. Validated by Queen’s University Belfast, the Access course provides students, who have been out of education, a pathway to Higher Education and University study. NWRC also offers Access Courses validated by Ulster University, in Combined Studies and Science. The Dad of 3, enrolled on the Access Course at NWRC in 2016. He said: “I decided to complete the Access Course as I had not finished my education and I wanted to pursue a career in Nursing or Social Work, but in the end I opted for Nursing. “I found out about the course by searching online and I met with Theresa McLoone from NWRC to discuss the possible outcomes. After completion of the course I started in Ulster University in 2017. “I am currently nursing on the front line with the NHS. All third year nursing students have been mobilised to help the already stretched workforce. I will qualify in September as a RN.“I would definitely recommend the course to anyone. The support at NWRC is excellent, from support with assignments to Maths Pod which I found to be outstanding.” Theresa McLoone Course co-ordinator – University Access Diploma in Health and Welfare said: “Many people, for various reasons were unable to complete their education when they were younger. Our Access Course at North West Regional College offers an opportunity for students normally over 19 years of age on 1 July in the year of entry and who normally have been out of full time education for at least a minimum of two years, a chance to return to study on a full time or part time basis, at our Strand Road and Strabane campuses. “The college has a rich tradition of assisting students as they take this first step back into education, setting them out on the journey of new and successful careers. “Our Access Courses are available in Health and Welfare, Science and Combined Studies, and are all validated by local universities. I would encourage anyone interested in returning to education to speak to our lecturers who can offer them advice and support. “We are extremely proud of all of our former and current students who are using the skills they have learned at NWRC to assist the community in these worrying and uncertain times.”
Information on all of NWRC’s Access Courses can be found online at You can also speak to one of the lecturers directly by emailing
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