Best of luck to Luke O’Kane, a graduate from our L1 Professional Chef Diploma course, who has won a placement at the prestigious Leuven Institute in Belgium. Luke was selected for this opportunity following an interview process with Leuven’s Chief Executive officer David Grant and will spend six months at the Institute starting from 1st week in January. The Leuven Institute is situated just outside Brussels and offers a number of funded placements for students studying Further and Higher Education courses in hospitality and tourism.
Luke explained: “This opportunity will give me professional experience in trying out a number of different roles in food preparation and gaining valuable experience working in the conference centre, and hotel environment.
NWRC Lecturer Douglas Walker added that NWRC has enjoyed successful links with Leuven Institute for several years, with five students taking part in recent years. Two students have now secured permanent jobs in Belgium as a result of these work placements.
Luke’s opportunity is being funded by Erasmus+ project 'European Mobility Opportunities to develop Knowledge & Skills (EMOKS)' under the ERASMUSPRO long-term mobility initiative.