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NWRC highlights the benefits of studying locally with Virtual Higher Education week, 22-28 February 2021

16 February 2021
Web Finneen Bradley HE week

North West Regional College (NWRC) will host a Virtual Higher Education week from February 22 –28 at

The week of events will give local people of all ages, the opportunity to find out more about the huge benefits of studying higher-level professional courses and qualifications at the college’s award-winning campuses in Strabane, Derry~Londonderry, and Limavady.

Finneen Bradley, Careers Academy Manager & Deputy Head of Student Services at NWRC, said Virtual HE week will give people a real insight into the range of University level courses that are offered at the college.

She said: “When we talk about Higher Education, we mean courses that are post A-Level and Leaving Cert. This can include HNCs, HNDS, Foundation Degrees, Higher Level Apprenticeships, and a whole range of Professional Qualifications. Completion of these vocationally led courses often lead to direct employment, continued education and training, or they serve as a stepping stone to a Full Honours Degree.

“There are many reasons why studying Higher Education courses locally makes sense. There is a wide range of courses to choose from, and FE colleges are often the more affordable option, with much lower tuition fees. Students also have to option to live at home, reducing the substantial living and maintenance costs that come with moving away.

“It is crucially important that individuals seek effective careers advice and guidance from Career Professionals to ensure they have explored all their options especially the Higher Education provision locally. Exploring all options enables individuals to make an informed decision.”

Beginning on Monday, February 22, the Virtual event will include several short videos from former students who have studied HE courses and gone on to full-time employment or further study, in fields such as Medical and Applied Science, Healthcare, Counselling, Software Development, Early Years, Hair and Beauty and much more. You can log on for video information sessions on Student Finance, Life at NWRC, and a LIVE Q & A facebook session hosted by Finneen Bradley, on Wednesday afternoon.

The college will also host a virtual information session on Friday morning detailing APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning), where people who may not have previously have studied for qualifications when they were younger, can seek formal acknowledgement of learning acquired from previous experience.

Finneen continued: “All of the sessions will be hosted by members of NWRC’s multi award-winning Careers Academy team, who were recently recognised as providing the best in careers education across the United Kingdom, by being awarded the coveted Association of College’s Beacon Award.

“Every member of this team is focused on maximising the potential of all young people and adults in this region, guiding them into careers that suit their particular skills and gifts.

“If you, or someone you know, is completing A-Levels (or equivalent) this year, or is keen to undertake a high-level professional qualification, our Higher Education Week is a MUST for you."

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