Wow- have you seen the festive display of Christmas trees on the Strand Road’s glass corridor?
It’s all thanks to NWRC Science student Caroline Breslin who came up with the idea of adding a little extra Christmas cheer this year by encouraging her fellow students to design decorations for the walkway between the Strand Building and the Foyle Building.
All of the Access Diploma in Science students were encouraged to work on a community or college project by lecturer Francine Moran. And Caroline decided to work on something that would lift the spirits of everyone in the college.
The idea was so popular that students got to work with artist Sheila Morrison for three weeks of workshops, and every student designed their own tree with a shortlist of ten making the display.
They were then helped with the display by Project Based Learning Co-ordinator Annette Smith and Danny McFeely, Health and Wellbeing officer.
Nice work everyone!!