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Student Case Study

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Female student smiling while standing in front of a window showing a view of the River Foyle

Roisin Quinn

Course: RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative and Performing Arts

Meet Roisin, a Performing Arts student who survived a stroke when she was only 14 years old, and has now gone on to study acting at our Strand Road campus. She recently performed a self-choreographed dance reflecting her journey at the college’s Best in Further Education celebrations.

After my stroke I thought I would never walk again, but here I am - I survived a stroke and now I'm studying acting! Coming to NWRC changed my life.

Overcoming adversity

Performing Arts Roisin Quinn who survived a stroke when she was just 14, performed a self-choreographed dance reflecting her journey, at the College’s Best in Further Education celebrations. Roisin Quinn, now aged 19, suffered a massive stroke five years ago which left her with limited speech, reduced mobility in her right arm, and temporarily using a wheelchair.

Fast forward to 2024, and Roisin has starred in live performances of Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Jesus Christ Superstar, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She was also one of the first guests on NWRC’s podcast TalkNWRC.

In 2019, Roisin, has Chron’s Disease had just been discharged from the Royal Victoria Hospital when she suddenly lost her ability to speak. Five days later she suffered a stroke.

“It’s very rare for a 14 year-old to have a stroke,” said Roisin, “it’s a lot for a young person to have to deal with. Thankfully I had my family, they were so supportive to me, especially my mum Jacqueline.”

Roisin’s condition meant she missed more than six months of school and needed to repeat an entire academic year.

She said: “It was a very hard time. I really wanted to go back to school but I felt very isolated because I had lost my friends and was in a different year group. Before, I had been very academic, but the stroke affected that because I had a brain injury. I had learned to speak and walk again, but I didn’t regain full power in my right arm, and I had to learn how to write all over again using my left arm.”

Roisin's performance reflecting her personal journey from wheelchair to the stage
Roisin's dance reflecting her personal journey from wheelchair to the stage

Taking to the stage

After completing her GCSEs, Roisin decided to enrol in a Level 3 Performing Arts course at NWRC rather than completing A-Levels.

“I was very sceptical about it,” she said. "But coming to NWRC was the best decision of my life. Singing has been a huge passion of mine and through my course I have learned dance which has allowed me to express myself. I have choregraphed my own dance called: ‘I’m So Happy’ and I am looking forward to performing it at the Best in FE Awards.”

Inspiring others

Roisin says medics cannot explain why she suffered a stroke so young, but she hopes telling her story will inspire other young people facing challenges to chase their dreams.

“If someone had told me five years ago that I’d be in a Shakespeare play with my peers I wouldn’t have believed them,” she said. “I watched Rose Ayling Ellis on Strictly Come Dancing and she was such an inspiration to me.

“I do still have challenges, but everything in life is good. My class are lovely, so supportive, I have made friends for life. My plan now is to continue studying Performing Arts and hopefully go on to work in Musical Theatre.

“In between all these I have also been one of 30 people in Ireland selected for a programme which is a steppingstone to the Washington Ireland Program. I feel that this is a wonderful opportunity for me.”

Emerging young talent

Carie Logue Houston, Lecturer in Performing Arts said Roisin is an “emerging young talent, and a joy to teach.”

“I had goosebumps on my arms when I heard Roisin sing with the choir during Romeo and Juliet,” she said. “Roisin epitomizes everything we are about at NWRC. For myself as a lecturer, and the rest of the staff it has been a joy to see Roisin grow during this year. Roisin keep going because you really can achieve anything you want to achieve.”

Roisin is now continuing her studies at NWRC and has enrolled on the HND in Performing Arts.

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