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Note: Patients from the Republic of Ireland - service is now chargeable.

  • Previously known as CASH or Family planning

    We offer a confidential, non-judgemental service that aims to offer advice, all methods of contraception, emergency contraception (hormonal and non-hormonal), education, counselling, asymptomatic chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening, smear and pregnancy testing.

    Our Service

    Our service is open to all, either referred or self-referral. Services provided at our clinics are:

    • Condoms
    • Female condoms
    • Diaphragms/Cap
    • Progestogen only pill
    • Sub dermal implant
    • Contraceptive injection
    • Combined pill
    • Contraceptive patch
    • Contraceptive vaginal ring
    • Emergency contraception ( hormonal/ non hormonal)
    • Intrauterine system (IUS)
    • Intrauterine Device (IUD)
    • Referral for sterilisation
    • Referral for vasectomy
    • Asymptomatic CT/GC screening
    • Smear testing
    • Pregnancy testing


    Healthinote app
    The Healthinote app provides health content and resources recommended by your clinician and is available to download on Google Play and the App Store.

    Useful websites

    Clinic Opening Hours

    Brae Clinic (Waterside)
    Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm; 2pm-5pm
    Booking: Appointments only

    028 7132 1758

    Omagh Health Centre
    Monday and Thursday, 9am-1pm; 2pm-5pm
    Booking: Appointments only

    Day/Time: Tuesday, 9am-1pm
    Booking: Telephone enquiries

    028 8283 5536

    South West Acute Hospital (Enniskillen)
    Wednesday, 2pm-5pm
    Booking: Mobile: Appointment only

    028 6638 2693

    South West College (Erne Campus)
    Wednesday, 9pm-12:30pm
    Booking: Mobile: 079 2015 4737

    Limavady Health Centre (Under 25s)
    1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, 2pm to 4:30pm
    Booking: Appointments only

    028 7776 1121

    Strabane Health Centre (Under 25s)
    Wednesday, 2:30pm-4:30pm
    Booking: Mobile: Appointment only

    028 7138 4114

  • Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic provides young people with a confidential, non-judgmental service that aims to help with aspects of your sexual health.

    If you are concerned you may have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), they provide check-ups, advice, guidance and tests/treatment including specialist HIV clinics, free condoms and Emergency Hormonal contraception.

    Clinic Opening Hours

    Genitourinary Medicine, Anderson House, Glenshane Road, Derry~Londonderry, BT47 1SB
    Tel: 028 7161 1269


    Times vary. Please call to book an appointment. Phonelines are open Monday to Thursday, 8:30am - 4:30pm and Friday, 8:30am - 1:00pm.

    Walk-in Service

    • Wednesday (morning only) - Registration from 8:30am
    • If you require a time outside of this, please call to book an appointment
  • Outpatients Department 
    Tyrone County Hospital
    BT79 0AP

    028 7161 1269


    Monday: 2:00 – 3:45pm, 4:15 – 6:00pm

  • North West Regional College are C-Card scheme providers. The C-Card Scheme is a confidential sexual health service for young people aged 16–25 that provides free condoms, information support and advice. The C-Card Schemes offer supported access to condoms and signposting to local sexual health services. Young people who register will receive a ‘C-Card’ with a Client Number. This allows the service to monitor the access whilst maintaining user confidentiality.

    The C-Card Scheme is one type of condom distribution scheme, which provides registered young people with a C-Card, a credit card-style card, which entitles them to free condoms.

    Typically, a young person applying for a C-Card will go through the following process:

    • Registration: when a young person registers for a C-Card they will be assessed to ensure they are safe, competent to consent (Fraser Guidelines) and are shown how to use a condom.
    • Issue: once the C-Card is issued, the young person is entitled to an agreed number of supplies free from any participating Registration Site. Packs generally contain six to ten condoms, a supply of lubricant, written instructions, and details of local sexual and reproductive health services.
    • Review: after receiving supplies an agreed number of times, the young person must return to a Registration Site where their circumstances, sexual health and medical needs will be reviewed.


    For more information or to register for the C-Card Scheme please contact:

    Safeguarding Officer
    Shannon Doherty

    028 7127 8709

    Deputy Safeguarding Officer
    Fiona Doherty

    028 7127 8745

    Download C-Card Scheme poster

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