Elaine Mythen
Course: Access Diploma in Health & Welfare
Meet Elaine, a recent Access graduate from our Strabane campus. As a mature learner returning to education says the Access qualification was the stepping stone she needed to progress to University. She is now on track towards her dream career as a Paramedic.
Studying at NWRC Strabane was the best thing I've ever done. My Access Diploma got me into University and I'm now working as a Student Paramedic.
Our Strabane Access student Elaine Mythen is now studying for the BSc Hons Paramedic Science at Ulster University after completing the Adult Learning Diploma at NWRC Strabane.
Elaine is our first Access student from Strabane campus to enrol on this new Paramedic Degree, the only one of its kind in Northern Ireland.
She studied Access Health and Welfare part-time and says it was the best thing she ever did for herself.
“I started the course for better employment opportunities and to be able to do the job I’ve always dreamed of doing,” she said.
“It was dauting returning to college but I found Claire, Angela and all the staff at Strabane campus really helpful and friendly. They made the experience very enjoyable. I was very lucky to be in a great class too, everyone helped each other. We still meet regularly for dinner and drinks; I’ve made friends for life here."
FUN FACT: Elaine was interviewed on UTV following the announcement of the Derry and Strabane City Deal talking about education opportunities at Strabane Campus.

Be like Elaine...
Make your mark with a course that excites you, challenges you, and prepares you for career success.