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Information for Parents and Guardians

  • Teenage girl is pictured with her parents at a College Awards Ceremony. The father holds a 'proud dad' sign and the mother holds a 'proud mum' sign

At North West Regional College, we understand how challenging it can be to support your child as they make the move from school to college.

We are here to to help make the process as smooth as possible. We believe that a close partnership between ourselves and our students’ parents / guardians can have a very positive effect on a young person's overall performance at College.

Shatter the Myths!

Choices in education are often misunderstood and subject to widespread prejudice. This can be damaging as further education actually has a vital role to play as a springboard into worthwhile careers.

Download our Myth Busters leaflet or watch the video below to discover the most common misconceptions surrounding Further Education and dispel the myths.

  • Image of Chelsea O’Kane (Art & Design)
    Red decoration
    My course enabled me to explore so many different aspects of Art & Design that I would not have had the opportunity to do if I had followed the traditional A-Level route.
    Chelsea O’Kane (Art & Design)
  • Image of Declan McEleney (ApprenticeshipNI Welding)
    Blue decoration
    Apprenticeships differ from school because you can actually earn a wage while gaining your qualifications.
    Declan McEleney (ApprenticeshipNI Welding)
  • Image of Linda McGlinchey (Photography)
    Blue decoration
    This course had a huge impact on my life. Not only did it give me the confidence to start my own photography business, but I also gained friends for life!
    Linda McGlinchey (Photography)
  • Image of Vanessa Canning (Hair & Beauty)
    Red decoration
    The support I received from my lecturers at NWRC was incredible. They always pushed me to my full potential and gave me the confidence to open my own beauty salon.
    Vanessa Canning (Hair & Beauty)
  • Image of Kyle Scott (Sport)
    Green decoration
    I was so much happier completing a course in something I really enjoyed, rather than studying three A-Levels in subjects that weren't going to benefit me in the future.
    Kyle Scott (Sport)

Why choose North West Regional College?

We are fully committed to ensuring that every young person has access to all the specialist support they need to help them successfully achieve their qualifications.

  • All full-time students are allocated a dedicated Personal Tutor, who will monitor their progress throughout their course, providing tailored support and guidance to enable them to achieve their full potential.

    Our Personal Tutors offer a range of support services to our students while they study with us, including:

    • Careers Support
      We deliver a wide range of bespoke programmes and interactive workshops to help students plan their education around a clear career path.

    • Learning Support
      Our Learning Link team provides additional support, guidance and resources to students with any learning difficulty, physical disability or mental health issue.

    • Student Services
      The team can provide advice and guidance on a wide range of areas, including EMA, Bus Passes and Financial Support.

    Our Progress Coaches will assist students throughout their time at the College. They work closely with students to monitor and help improve attendance, while also liaising with Personal Tutors to ensure students are progressing in their respective courses.

  • We actively prepare our students for the world of work from day one. Our courses are designed to provide learners with the skills and knowledge employers want.

    We have excellent links with local, national and international employers who provide students with valuable work placement opportunities, masterclasses and site visits. Many of our courses include work experience, which provides students with the opportunity to apply the skills they have developed in class to a real work setting.

  • We treat our students as young adults and encourage them to find their independence while they are with us. Along with their qualification, our students leave us job-ready, with a CV packed with experiences and skills for life as well as for work.

    They have the confidence, positive attitude and strong work ethic to prepare them for their next step, whether that’s university, employment or an apprenticeship.

  • Large investments in our learning facilities have produced first-rate classrooms, workshops, studios and specialist buildings, all geared towards a practical approach to teaching and learning.

    Visit our Campus and Facilities page to find out more about our state-of-the art learning facilities and recreational areas.

  • Our dedicated Safeguarding Team promotes awareness of safeguarding issues and is always available to provide support to students, families and staff.

    Our Safeguarding, Care and Welfare Policy is available on our website or on request from Student Services.

  • Students studying Higher Education (university level) courses at NWRC can expect significantly lower tuition fees than those at university, allowing them to live close to home and reduce travel and maintenance costs. The College also offers a comprehensive package of financial options to help support students during their study.

  • Many of our lecturers continue to work as industry professionals and offer extensive knowledge and experience of their specialist area.

    Students receive more teaching hours with NWRC than on most traditional university courses. Our classes are also much smaller which allows us to offer an exceptional level of one-to-one support they wouldn’t get anywhere else.

  • Free School MealsIf your son/daughter is aged 18 or under on 31 July 2021 and have a parent in receipt of certain benefits they may be eligible for Free Meals. Students will receive Meal tickets at the start of each week that can be exchanged for food and drink in the College canteen.
    Travel PassIf your child is under age 19 on 1 July in year of entry and lives more than 3 miles from the College they can apply for a travel pass. This is not means tested. This pass will enable your child to travel to and from the College without charge.
    Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

    If your child decides to continue their education with NWRC they may be able to claim the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). It is available for both academic and vocational courses.

    EMA is a weekly award of £30 which is paid fortnightly to students who meet the eligibility criteria. It is intended to help cover the day-to-day costs that they have to meet when they stay on at college, such as travel costs, books and equipment for their course.

    If your child is aged 16 -19 on or between 2 July 2020 and 1 July 2021 they can apply for EMA.

    Visit our Fees and Finance page for more information on the finance options available and details on how to apply.

Find A Course

Whatever your goals, let us put your child's learning and career ambitions on track.

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